Investigate host connection issue with esxcli network ip connectionĬRITICAL, VXLAN VDS RegionA01-vDS-MGMT VNI 5007 connection to controller is down: Volume 'local_esx-06a' free percentage less than 20%: 0%.ĬRITICAL, VXLAN VDS vds-site-a VNI 200000 multicast addr is not synchronized with VSM:ĬRITICAL, VXLAN VDS vds-site-a VNI 200003 multicast addr is not synchronized with VSM:ĬRITICAL, VXLAN VDS vds-site-a VNI 5000 multicast addr is not synchronized with VSM:ĬRITICAL, Control plane agent on host is not in established state with controller. UNHEALTHY, Standard Switch vSwitch1 has no uplinks.